How To Look Picture Perfect In Brand Photos with Rachael Rubin

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How To Look Picture Perfect In Brand Photos with Rachael Rubin

Welcome to this episode of Thrive with my special guest, photographer, Rachael Rubin. As owner of Beauty PaRLR & RLR Studio, Rachael Rubin is a rising star in the beauty and photography world. At the tender age of 25, Rachael has created a truly unique salon which brings world-class hair and make-up techniques along with high-end photography under one roof. She works with everyone from stay-at-home moms who want to look their best to local celebrities and industry leaders who need to be camera ready to establish their brand.

On this episode, Rachael shares some of her best tips to look and feel beautiful in front of the camera so you can look like a star brand. She talks about tricks of the trade and also what is on-trend right based on her global travels and research. Rachael is also an extremely successful entrepreneur creating one of the coolest salons on the East Coast and we talk about what it takes to sky-rocket your success at such a young age. Rachael is has an extremely hip and sophisticated point of view and is a total phenom.

I hope you enjoy the show!

On this episode, I ask Rachael:

1. How did you come up with this concept for the studio and the salon?
2. How did you go from “dad I need a camera” to taking pictures of celebrities and having top make up artist work for you?
3. How do you know what the perfect version of them is?
4. Where that confidence comes from?
5. Do you have any rituals or things that you do in a regular basis to nurture that peaceful feelings inside?
6. What do you think that older entrepreneurial women can learn from younger entrepreneurial women?
7. Do you have anybody else that’s a role model that your following?
8. What would be some tips for them to look camera ready at home or in the situation where they have to pull it together, where they’ve been running in their yoga pants?
9. Have you come up against any challenges in your business that you’ve been like, it really went something you had that you figure it out and how did you figure that out?
10. Do you have a vision for your life and for your business? And if you do, what is it?
11. What are you most grateful for?
12. What 3 tips can you give for entrepreneurs out there or anybody who needs pictures for some professional reason to look fantastic in their pictures?
13. Do you think that, that’s the first picture that someone should get for their business?

Show Highlights:

Minute 3:33-Rachael explains how did she come up with her studio and salon concept.
Minute 6:35-Rachael tells about the whole concept of her studio and salon.
Minute 8:44-Learn how to have a perfect version of yourself in front of a camera.
Minute 20:53-Rachael shares some tips for busy moms on what make-up should you wear when you’re in a hurry.




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